Weak Signal Showcase (FT8/FT4)
NCQP 2025 Special Operation
A special activity will be tried using FT-8/4 mode this year. All stations may participate, but only NC stations are permitted to submit logs for an award (if applicable) for this event.
Stations make regular FT-8/4 QSOs as is customary in usual operation during the time frame and date of the regular NCQP contest.
For NC stations only: submit FT-8/4 log in ADIF format separately using the special form provided on this page.
DO NOT INCLUDE FT-8/4 QSOS in the regular NCQP Cabrillo log. Making QSOs in this activity does not change the category status of a station participating in the regular contest. (i.e., A single-op/CW/Low Power station DOES NOT go into the Mixed mode if they participate in this special activity)
The intent is to showcase NCQP to FT8/FT4 operators while allowing for normal operations of these modes. Below are the details of the 2025 Weak Signal Showcase:
- The Weak Signal Showcase is a separate event from the main NC QSO Party.
- This competition is open only to in-state (NC) participants.
- QSOs may be made between an NC station and any other station.
- Stations may be worked again on a different band. There is no provision for stations moving between grid squares during the contest. Should a station move to a new grid square, the “work once per band” restriction does not reset. Work stations once per mode (FT4, FT8) per band.
- Low power (100W or less) must be used for this competition.
- Only FT8 and FT4 digital QSOs are included in this competition.
- Stations may submit a log for the Weak Signal Showcase as well as the main NCQP contest, but weak-signal QSOs may only appear in the Weak Signal Showcase log.
- Only one FT8/FT4 transmission is allowed at a time.
- Stations will exchange the standard FT8/FT4 reports of grid squares and SNR so as to operate in the same manner as casual operators.
- Scores will be computed based on five points per QSO, multiplied by the number of grid squares (eg FM05) worked.
- Log deadline is concurrent with the main NC QSO Party.
- A plaque will be awarded for first-place finisher.
WSJT-X Setup
You may operate WSJT-X (or another FT8/4 software such as MSHV) using standard settings, but we recommend changing your CQ message to “CQ NCQP” as shown below to promote the contest:

Log Submission
Submit an ADIF (.ADI) file containing only the QSOs relevant to the contest period. TSQL, mamADIF, and ADIF Master are all common utilities for editing ADIF files.
Submit your log here:
Why no Cabrillo?
ADIF has a few advantages over Cabrillo. Mainly, ADIF is very structured in terms of labeling the data fields, so our processor doesn’t have to work as hard to determine what’s in each column. Cabrillo is a loose standard in that outside of the major contests, the formats that various loggers produce can vary widely.
The other consideration is that WSJT-X will only produce a Cabrillo if you are running in a Contest “special operating mode.” When you flip that switch, the exchanges also change to the shortened formats used for each contest which are not the same as casual operators are using. Because we are trying to co-exist with casual operators, we must use the standard exchanges.