Activating the Old North State since 1970!

Welcome to the North Carolina QSO Party. Our event is held annually on the fourth Sunday in February. The next event is on February 23, 2025 from 10am - 8pm EST.

The quick start:

  • NC stations work any other station. Exchange NC county or 3-letter abbreviation.
  • Non-NC stations work NC stations. Exchange state/province (MD and DC separate) or "DX".
  • Work stations once per band/mode.
  • FT8/FT4 ops: send standard exchange; NC stations submit logs. More information here.

For a full set of rules, head to the Rules page. Once you're done, head to the Logs page to submit your log.

Stats on previous year's activity and announced operations are on the County Activity page.

73 and most of all have fun!

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